Law Clerk Riley breaks rocks (right) while merciless lawyers observe
D.T. Riley here... Well it appears that many of our prestigious classmates are peppered all around the world at the moment, and I hope that everyone (no matter your location) is having an amazing summer. I myself opted for the ever so dangerous and thrilling law office in Western Kentucky.
Sure PJ and Adam are in Africa, Carly's in Eastern Europe, Frosty and Bald Patrick are in DC, and everyone else is off pursuing adventures of their own, but really folks, you're missing out on the party in Western Kentucky.
Just check out this picture of me at work in at the law firm (seen above). I don't know what more you could ask for. Of course, I don't really break rocks all day, but a picture of a memo factory wasn't available. I write like a mofo this summer and it often ends up buried beneath a pile of papers on a partner's desk and never gets read. But I suppose that is the life at the bottom of the totem pole!
I really hope everyone is having a great summer. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in the fall and hearing about all the amazing things you've been up to.
PS. I've decided that my life goal is to be like the guy this song is about. Too bad Patterson doesn't offer a course in 1830s Cowboy Lifestyles. This song is awesome too. That's right, WKY has made me rediscover my love of classic country music.
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